Today was the day!!!
And in this corner, weighing in at an intimidating 8 pounds 12 ounces, measuring over 21 inches tall, in the pink trunks and knitted cap concealing a shock of black hair, Emily Rose Madden!!!
Yes sir, at 5:34am Monday, March 24, 2008, Emily Madden became a citizen of Planet Earth. Both Mother Christine and baby Emily are doing extremely well, resting at home. I couldn’t be happier with my amazing wife and two fantastic girls by my side.
Big sister Sydney, who is just 18 months old herself, is very sweet towards her new little sister. She asked me to pass this note along to you all on her behalf: “It is with prodigious delectation that I welcome Emily into our family unit. With firm conviction, I believe she will possess the facility, willingness and initiative to be an expert servant to my each and every whim, as any younger sister should. Peace out.” Wow, those Baby Einstein DVDs are really paying off, huh?
But seriously folks, it has been a bit of a struggle for us these last few months. As some of you know, Christine had a tougher time with this pregnancy than with the first. Basically, with her being unable to work and care for Sydney full-time, we were extremely fortunate to have the love and support of both of our families for extra help. But, an extra loud shout out must go to Christine’s mother Ilse. We couldn’t have made it through with your tremendous help. Thank you sooooo much to all the Maddens and Bajins!
"So, give me details, Madden! How did it happen?" Well, the discussion begins and ends with Christine. She is Superwoman. Not only did she have the consideration to go into labour on my day off, she was extremely efficient. The labour and birth were finished in near-record time (you won’t believe me, so I won’t bother telling), she ate, rested, recovered, and walked out of the hospital by 5pm. Not bad for a day’s work. Keep in mind, Emily weighed almost nine pounds. Like I said, Christine is Superwoman. Oh, and we’re seriously considering changing Emily’s middle name to Torpedo.
For now, we will take it a day at a time at Christine’s family's home in Oakville. In a couple weeks, we will move back home to Niagara, and try to get back to normal. Whatever the heck that is.
Lucky for me, being sleep-deprived will suit my klutzy awkward character in Wonderful Town just fine. If I happen to incorporate slurring speech and narcolepsy into the mix - no one will know the difference! But, I think I’m screwed in A Little Night Music, which starts rehearsal in a week. Those high B-flat’s scare me - there’s no faking that in rehearsal. Holy crap. One way or the other we will get through this! What a memorable summer it is going to be!
Oh, and stay tuned for thousands of ridiculously sappy baby pictures!!!!
And, with that, in Sydney’s words, Peace Out.
Congrats to all in the Madden/Bajin camps - especially Christine "aka Superwoman" and the proud new daddy-o :)
I so glad to hear that Emily has come into the world and everyone is safe and sound.
And, boy that Sydney gets smarter by the minute :)
Can't wait to meet newest baby Madden and see you all...
love, moe
Jeff, Congrats to you ALL!!!!
So glad to hear that your special ladies are doing great, take care of them big daddy.
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